Verified CPC Q&As – Pass Guarantee CPC Exam Dumps [Q36-Q52]

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Verified CPC Q&As – Pass Guarantee CPC Exam Dumps

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AAPC CPC Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
Topic 1
  • Apply coding conventions when assigning diagnoses and procedure codes
  • Identify the purpose of the CPT®, ICD-10-CM, and HCPCS Level II code books
Topic 2
  • Identify the information in appendices of the CPT® code book
  • List the major features of HCPCS Level II codes
Topic 3
  • Provide practical application of coding operative reports and evaluation and management services
  • Understand and apply the official ICD-10-CM coding guidelines
Topic 4
  • Code a wide variety of patient services using CPT®, ICD-10-CM, and HCPCS Level II codes
  • Explain the determination of the levels of E
  • M services


A 35-year-old female has cancer in her left breast. The surgeon performs a mastectomy, removing the breast tissue, skin, pectoral muscles, and surrounding tissue, including the axillary and internal mammary lymph nodes.
Which mastectomy code is reported?


A patient who has colon adenocarcinoma undergoes a laparoscopic partial colectomy. The surgeon removes the proximal colon and terminal ileum and reconnects the cut ends of the distal ileum and remaining colon.
What procedure and diagnosis codes are reported?


A 49-year-old patient arrives with hearing loss in his left ear. Impedance testing via tympanometry is performed.
What CPT code is reported?


A 67-year-old male presents with DJD and spondylolisthesis at L4-L5 The patient is placed prone on the operating table and, after induction of general anesthesia, the lower back is sterilely prepped and draped. One incision was made over L1-L5. This was confirmed with a probe under fluoroscopy. Laminectomies are done at vertebral segments L4 and L5 with facetectomies to relieve pressure to the nerve roots. Allograft was packed in the gutters from L1-L5 for a posterior arthrodesis. Pedicle screws were placed at L2, L3, and L4. The construct was copiously irrigated and muscle; fascia and skin were closed in layers.
Select the procedure codes for this scenario.


A patient presents to the labor and delivery department for a planned cesarean section for triplets. She is at 37 weeks gestation. She is given a continuous epidural for the delivery.
What anesthesia coding is reported?


View MR 001394
MR 001394
Operative Report
Procedure: Excision of 11 cm back lesion with rotation flap repair.
Preoperative Diagnosis: Basal cell carcinoma
Postoperative Diagnosis: Same
Anesthesia: 1% Xylocaine solution with epinephrine warmed and buffered and injected slowly through a 30-gauge needle for the patient’s comfort.
Location: Back
Size of Excision: 11 cm
Estimated Blood Loss: Minimal
Complications: None
Specimen: Sent to the lab in saline for frozen section margin control.
Procedure: The patient was taken to our surgical suite, placed in a comfortable position, prepped and draped, and locally anesthetized in the usual sterile fashion. A #15 scalpel blade was used to excise the basal cell carcinoma plus a margin of normal skin in a circular fashion in the natural relaxed skin tension lines as much as possible The lesion was removed full thickness including epidermis, dermis, and partial thickness subcutaneous tissues. The wound was then spot electro desiccated for hemorrhage control. The specimen was sent to the lab on saline for frozen section.
Rotation flap repair of defect created by foil thickness frozen section excision of basal cell carcinoma of the back. We were able to devise a 12 sq cm flap and advance it using rotation flap closure technique. This will prevent infection, dehiscence, and help reconstruct the area to approximate the situation as it was prior to surgical excision diminishing the risk of significant pain and distortion of the anatomy in the area. This was advanced medially to close the defect with 5 0 Vicryl and 6-0 Prolene stitches.
What CPT coding is reported for this case?


The gynecologist performs a colposcopy of the cervix including biopsy and endocervical curettage.
What CPT code is reported?


A Medicare patient that is on dialysis for ESRD is seen by the nurse for a Hep B vaccination. This patient is given a dialysis patient dosage as part of a three-dose schedule. The nurse administers the Hep B vaccine in the right deltoid. The physician reviews the chart and signs off on the nurse’s note.
What procedure and diagnosis codes are reported for the scheduled vaccine injection for this Medicare patient?


A 45-year-old female presents to the ED with chest pain. The provider has an Albumin Cobalt Binding Test to determine if the chest pain is ischemic in nature.
That lab test is reported?


An elderly patient comes into the emergency department (ED) with shortness of breath. An ECG is performed The final diagnosis at discharge is impending myocardial infarction.
According to ICD-10-CM guidelines, how is this reported?


View MR 007400
MR 007400
Radiology Report
Patient: J. Lowe Date of Service: 06/10/XX
Age: 45
MR#: 4589799
Account #: 3216770
Location: ABC Imaging Center
Study: Mammogram bilateral screening, all views, producing direct digital image Reason: Screen Bilateral digital mammography with computer-aided detection (CAD) No previous mammograms are available for comparison.
Clinical history: The patient has a positive family history (mother and sister) of breast cancer.
Mammogram was read with the assistance of GE iCAD (computerized diagnostic) system.
Findings: No dominant speculated mass or suspicious area of clustered pleomorphic microcalcifications is apparent Skin and nipples are seen to be normal. The axilla are unremarkable.
What CPT coding is reported for this case?


A 5-year-old is brought to the QuickCare in the ED to repair two lacerations: a 3 cm laceration on her right arm and 2 cm laceration on her nose. Her arm is repaired with a simple one-layer closure with sutures. Her nose is repaired with a simple repair using tissue adhesive, 2-cyanoacrylate.
How are the repairs reported?


The procedure is performed at an outpatient radiology department. From a left femoral access, the catheter is placed in the abdominal aorta and is then selectively placed in the celiac trunk and manipulated up into the common hepatic artery for an abdominal angiography. Dye is injected, and imaging is obtained. The provider performs the supervision and interpretation.
What CPT codes are reported?


Dr. Burns sees newborn baby James at the birthing center on the same day after the cesarean delivery. Dr. Burns examined baby James, the maternal and newborn history, ordered appropriate blood test tests and hearing screening. He met with the family at the end of the exam.
How would Dr. Bums report his services?


An interventional radiologist performs an abdominal paracentesis in his office utilizing ultrasonic imaging guidance to remove excess fluid. What CPT coding is reported?


Patient has cervical spondylosis with myelopathy. The surgeon performed a bilateral posterior laminectomy with facetectomies at each level and foraminotomies performed between interspaces C5-C6 and C6-C7. Bilateral decompression of the nerve roots is achieved.
What CPT coding is reported?


The CPT code book provides full descriptions of medical procedures, although some descriptions require the use of a semicolon (;) to distinguish among closely related procedures.
What is the full description of CPT code 69644?


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